So we all know of the 3 famous ones right?
'See no evil' , 'Hear no evil' and 'Speak no evil' ?
Right. So it turns out we have been ignoring one of the monkeys. Which I am sure you all will figure out WHY that may be..... since the 4th monkey's advice is 'Do no evil'.... and judging by where his hands are....we know what it implies.
Now the implications vary. Some would say it doesn't mean 'ever' means the times when it is wrong.
Others argue that the other 3 monkeys mean 'don't do it ever' , then why would the 4th monkey have an exception?
Hi, Every now and then I get curious and start researching things, and this is the page I have made to share some of what I find with you. Hope these topics interest you as much as they did me. Discovering the world of curious things...lets go down the rabbit hole. :D
Wednesday, September 13, 2017
Unique New Year Traditions
Everyone has their own reasons to keep up with traditions...and I have come across some really unique ones that I had never heard of before.
Here they are:
In the Philippines , they believe in being Frugal on the first day of the year to set a good tone for money management for the rest of the year.
In Japan, they clean the house towards the end of the year is believed to purify the house for the whole of the coming next year.
In Spain, they eat 12 grapes at the stroke of midnight, one for each month of the year. It is said to bring good luck and prosperity. Some people even make 12 wishes with each grape.
In Denmark, they stand with their loved ones on chairs and jump off together at the stroke of midnight. They believe it to get rid of bad spirits and bring good luck.
In Russia, they write their wishes down on a piece of paper, they burn it, put it in their champagne and drink it.
In Brazil, they go to the beach and after midnight, they jump 7 waves to honer the goddess of water and bring them good energy.
In Chile, to keep their dead company, people spend the night before New Years in the cemetery.
Everyone has reasons for their traditions and they are all pretty positive. I am thinking of trying the grapes custom this year...just for the fun of it.
Why Do New Year Resolutions Fail?
I know many of us no longer even make any new year resolutions anymore. Some of us have tried and failed and others might just not be into it.
All understandable....however, if we DO wanna try...what things can help us see it through?
After some reading and reflection of personal experience, the biggest reason was fail is because we all do it alone. Sure we may have a resolution that might be private, and we may want company in the process but can't find any.... but if we try to accomplish things just by ourselves... a lot of the is easy to give up because we are not accountable to anyone.
The amount of motivation balances out when/if we choose to achieve our goals together. If one lacks motivation...the other can supply it ...and vis versa.
So the best way to have fun along the journey of achievement? Take someone along with you!
7 Spiritual Laws of Success
Coming from the book written by Deepak Chopra and what i understood from it. Books like these can be a bit tedious to read, so allow me to simplify it for you.
1- Law of Pure Potentiality -
"If you have the desire, you have the ability to manifest that desire."
Which basically means you are capable to do anything that you can think of.
2- Law of Giving -
"If you want joy, give joy to others; if you want love, learn to give love....give what you want."
I mean sure....chances are you might not get the same joy and love from the same person....but that doesn't mean you won't get it from elsewhere.
3- Law of Karma -
"We reap what we sow so plant good seeds."
This is what guarantees the Law of Giving.
4- Law of Least Effort -
"Grass doesn't try to grow, it just grows. Fish don't try to swim, they just swim. Practice acceptance and responsibility."
The more you see it as work, the harder it will be to do. Be more accepting of what needs to be done....and it will feel easier.
5- Law of Intention and Desire -
"One Pointed Intention- that quality of attention that is unbending in it's fixity of purpose."
Basically this means the WANT and drive to do and accomplish your goals is what will get to there.
6- Law of Detachment -
"In order to acquire anything, you have to relinquish your attachment to it."
This is like the concept of trying to hold on to sand. The tighter you hold it....the more it will slip away. Don't hold on to anyone or anything too much.
7- Law of Dharma -
"Everyone has a purpose in life, a unique gift or special talent to give to others."
Never think small of yourself.
Christmas Lights .... Some History
In times before the 1800's.... and during too.... Christmas Trees were decorated with candles. But there were many fire outbreaks which began causing problems.
In 1885 a entire hospital had burnt down because of candles on a Christmas Tree. This happened in Chicago.
Then thankfully, inventors came to the rescue in 1895 with the invention of the Christmas Lights.
It took until the early 1900's for it to be widely accepted and used. But thank goodness it was because December is by far the prettiest month of the year.
It feels like Christmas provides a perfect celebration to end each year. Happy, bright and festive.
The Christmas Spider....
nce Upon A Time.....
there lived a poor family who could not afford to decorate their Christmas Tree. But on the Eve of Christmas the children of that family slept at night, a spider covers the tree in cobwebs.
In the morning, the children wake and see the tree and open the windows to let the light in....just as the sunlight hits the webs on the Christmas Tree...they magically turn into strings of gold and silver!
The family was never poor again.
Sweet story. There are some versions of the story which say that Santa Clause was the one who changed the cobwebs to silver and gold.
Either way...the story sure has a happy ending.
In Germany, Ukraine and Poland they consider it good luck to have a spider web in the christmas tree. And they even make decorations of paper and silver wire of a spiderweb and a small spider on it.
Cute custom ...don't you think? I think I'll be making one for my tree.
Is Zoning Out Productive?
Zoning out, spacing out, daydreaming are all the same thing. Most people see it as bad and feel guilty for being unproductive. But it turns out it has it's benefits too.....keeping certain things in mind.
Zoning out is said to be productive if it is done before or even after a task. It is said to be productive if people take a 10 minute break before doing an important task.... the creativity level increases and the task gets done better than someone who gets a task and jumps right into it.
Many of us have our biggest realizations in these moments, when we zone out.
Researchers say we should allow our minds to wander sometimes. It's actually more productive than it looks. They say the reason we feel guilt for zoning out is because we live in a very work based environment where if people can't see the work being done.... time is being wasted.
But the mind is vast....we do so much thinking that the virtual world in our minds is always working 10 times more than anything physical we do all day.
Biologically Immortal
Basicly creatures that do not age or die due to old age. Not that they can't die. It's just that if nothing interferes with their existence, they will live forever.
So there is a jellyfish that has figured it out. The secret for immortal life is not just to live for a really long time but to never mature. Turns out that after this jellyfish has reproduced they shrink back to infant from and grow again.
This jellyfish is called Turritopsis Dohrnii.
It kinda reminds me of the phoenix life regeneration system. Though the existence of phoenix's are said to be myth.... and their regeneration is by bursting into flame and bring born from the ashes.
This jellyfish refuses to die in any form.
Pretty cool huh?
Guess nature does many miraculous things outside the view of humans.
Reading In The 1700's
It was at this time that novels had grown in popularity and availability. There were so many youngsters of that time reading novels, that the elders had begun to be really concerned that the younger generation was spending way too much time reading. The phenomenon was then called "reading rage" , "reading mania" and "reading lust".
Sounds familiar? Can you see how this phenomenon is similar to the one we have now? With children and technology?
Personally I think it's alright as long as it is used productively. I don't think the blame goes to the object but more on HOW it is used.
It only gets unproductive when nothing is being learnt or understood in the process.
Quote 10
Here is another one of my Favorite quotes;
"Sometimes the only way to take a good look at yourself is through someone else's eyes. If you're lucky... you'll like what you see. Or you'll learn from it. If you don't like what you see, I guess all you can do is hope you haven't burned too many bridges".
- J.D Scrubs
How we see ourselves can many a times defer from how others see us. It is obvious why that happens, since we always justify our actions in our own minds. We know our reasons...but many a times it doesn't occur to us how much of a difference the reason can make in how the actions are seen.
Sometimes when we remove the reason... it can be seen in a completely diffrent light. What many of us don't think of is that 99% of people we come across will not know our reason, which is why we need to have perspective and know how everyone else might see our actions. ...and express ourselves accordingly.
This might also be a good way to forgo misunderstandings.
OK Is A Person
So this one is quite random. I came across it a while back. I had once made a post on 'lol' looking like a person is drowning.
This is along those lines.
You see the word 'OK' ? Tilt your head to the left , You will see a human stick figure.
You see it?
The 'O' is the head and the 'K' is the hands and legs.
lol right?
lol right?
Everyone Can Sing !
Like many other talents, singing is not a 'born with' talent. Researchers have found that just like we can train ourselves to loose weight....we can also train ourselves to be a good singer. It is just a matter of practice.
So what about people who naturally sing better?
Turns out ..THAT is jsut luck. There are people who have a certain structure in the vocal cords the larynx along with the size of their skull that impacts how a person sounds. But that only means they will find it simpler to master the art. NOT that they are the only ones who can.
So if you wanna sing....go ahead...sing. If it is not good will be.
I am myself kinda average. There are some songs I sing better than others...I can't go too high in pitch but i can hold a note.
Blood Can Be Green.
So no...I'm not making some announcement of a new scientific discovery or anything. This fact falls more under the category of illusion and that you can't really trust everything you see....even with your own eyes.
So when does this happen?
When you are about 30ft underwater and you happen to cut yourself. Your blood will appear green.
Simple logic. All colours of light travel at a slightly diffrent speeds. Water slows the speed of light down. So when you are a certain depth underwater, red...being the slowest, gets filtered out first.
So when we are at about 30ft underwater, the green pigment in our blood that is usually hidden by the red, is now reflected.
If you go deeper, where even more light is filtered out, blood will appear black.
So yeah... don't believe everything you see...the eyes can be fooled just as easy.
Asgarda - Women Warrior Tribe In The Amazon
This tribe is believed to be new age warrior women. When we look at the picture we might think this all women's group is promoting female empowerment, that women can stand alone. But that is not what they are.
The leader and founder of the group. Katerina began building this group of women in 2002. Women who knew martial arts. The focus of the group is self defence and their motto is to make women who can build better men.
They do not call themselves feminist, but they believe that a womens role is to support her man. Katerina says that she teaches the girls to ask one question when picking a man. Do they just want to have sex with him? or do they want his genes to be in their children?
Katerina Larnovska said "You can be a warrior businessman, you can be a warrior politician, a warrior trolleybus operator".
She just wants women to be strong in whatever they do.
The Asgarda are a nationalist, maternalist movement. They don't intend to crush the patriarchy they live in, but to work with it.
Not the kind of 'warrior women' i was expecting to find when I first heard of them... but i guess their beliefs would suit others.
Spider Spinning Web After Being Given Drugs
If spiders could talk.... I wonder what they would say about such experiments by humans. Though the pictures so show us how they are impacted by being exposed to different drugs.
From observation, we can see that caffeine does not make them more alert and awake like it does for us humans.
I did find it intriguing that even when under the influence of drugs...the spiders still didn't stop weaving webs. Like they are high but they still wanna work?
Spinning webs might be quite hardwired into their tiny little brains!
Extinct Arctic Flower Blooms Again
Okay so we might be failing to bring back extinct animals...but plants seem to be more durable.
A 32,000 year old Arctic Flower has been successfully regenerated, thanks to the burying work of a Ice Age squirrel.
These seeds were found frozen in ice about 124 ft underground in 2012.
The flower looks so delicate, I find it incredible it survived so many centuries.
Glow-In-The-Dark Trees & Pavements
A very Avatar like future for our night time. This is no longer just an idea...there are actually people making these now!
Being inspired by fireflies and the bioluminescent of several deep underwater creatures...scientists are now in the process of developing seeds that will grow plants that glow in the dark. There is already a site online where people can pre-order the plant. It's one of the coolest things I have come across so far.
Another way to light up the night are Glow-In-The-Glow pebbles...and marbles.
Imagine the 100's of ways these could be used. It would only be limited by imagination.
It definitely sounds like a eco-friendly path to a 'glowing' future.
Women Smile More Than Men
From personal observation....I agree with this analysis. From the people who have actually studied this, the smile average stands at 62 smiles from women to 8 smiles from a man, in the span of a day.
I read only a few articles on this online and noticed many of them stating that women are "expected" to smile more.
It makes me wonder where this unnecessary assumption came from.
Personally...I do smile a lot. It is my GoTo response for things where I know I should hold my words ot when I have nothing to say.
I find it to be the politest way to withdraw myself from a situation I don't wish to be in or a conversation I don't want to have. So I never thought much of it, until someone told me it is my smile that makes me more approachable.
But when I came across this made me wonder if all women are using their smile as a/ defence...? And perhaps men do not feel like they need this defence?
Could that be why we (women) tend to smile more?
Either ways....Be Happy! 
Pink for Boys, Blue for Girls
You think I have made a mistake in my title? It's said the other way around isn't it?
Well yes, the hold true for the century we are in....but in the 1918 and for years before that, the colours were seen differently. Pink was seen as a bolder and more masculine colour and Blues were seen as softer and more delicate colour.
It was only in the 1940's that the clothing manufactures switched it , since it was suggested that girls liked pink more and boy's liked blue.
It was in the late 1960's and 70's that the colours were made unisex....until these efforts were drowned by the advertisers promoting stereotyping.
Even though now, after a few decades, we are again having the colours be gender neutral, you will still notice a lot of baby clothes for girls in pink and boys in blue.
Funny how media can brainwash us with something as simple as colours for genders. I have never really been a girl for pink.... as long as I remember having an opinion... i remember rebelling against pink for some reason. ..I'm okay with it as a colour now.... but not the biggest fan.
Cold War - Shoelaces Communication
One of the smartest ideas I have come across. Talk about hiding in plain sight!
I mean ...sure...there are as many ways to come up with a coded language as there are people.... but when I read about how the CIA used different ways to tie a shoelace for communicating back in the 1950's.... I was quite impressed.
There is even a book that was written on the various ideas that the CIA used at the time, it's called 'The Official CIA Manual Of Trickery And Deception', written by John Mulholland.
Mulholland says, for a clever deception it "must be simple in it's basic idea". Which makes all the sense in the world because why would anyone suspect someone else who is really not doing anything out of the ordinary?
Clever huh?
Have you ever communicated in code? I used to have these secret languages in sure was fun.
Days of the Week - Origins
So yes, I was jobless enough when I went to research these. Check 'em out if you are curious.
Monday - In old english it means 'Day of the Moon'.
Tuesday - Taken from Tyr, the norse god of single combat and glory. It was dedicated to the roman god of war.
Wednesday - Coming from the old english Woden/Odin. This day was dedicated to the financial gain, poetry and divination.
Thursday - Dedicated to the Norse god of thunder, Thor.
Friday - Dedicated to Frige, the goddess of beauty and love.
Saturday - Named after the roman god Saturn. Seen as the god of generation and constant renewal.
Sunday - The most obvious, the day named after the Sun.
So does any day favour you more than others?
Revealing Our True Self Online?
So I came across these online and I was surprised by how many of these things we discuss online. If someone actually spends time to analyse our answers, they might know us more than we think.
Even if you just skim through the article, you will notice how much a simple question can reveal.
I doesn't seem like anyone has that amount to time here to sit and analyze anything we say....I'm just pointing out how simple it is.
Do you find these questions harmless? Since they are just about personality? Or do you prefer answering such questions vaguely? Or not answer them at all?
I fall in the 'answer vaguely category'
Check them out,
Here are a few questions incase the link doesn't work,
1- What is your life motto or philosophy you live by?
2- What is your favorate thing about yourself?
3- What is the best time of your life?
4- What is your biggest dream?
5- Why do you think we are all here?
6- If money was no object, what would you do in life?
7- Have you ever broken someones heart?
More Slaves Now Than Anytime In History
Just because they change the name of the word, they think we won't notice?
Sure, humans are not bought and sold like they were a few hundred years ago (or at least it isn't done openly).....but there are many corporations and companies that treat the human help as disposable and replaceable tools.
It is a very slow and methodical way of first finding ways to sink people in debt and then make it look like they are providing jobs to "help" people pay it.
They systematically create situations that crash the economy and corner the people so they believe there is only one way out.
It is a sad situation....and no country in the world seems to be free from it.
Do you realize the situation we are all in? Or do you think there is no real problem in the way the world is functioning?
It is alright if you disagree with me....just thought of sharing my thought.
First Pyramids Was Built When The Woolly Mammoth Was Still Alive
Not really the two historical events that we would pair together….are they?
Turns out, the end of the age of giant animals and the beginning of advanced human civilization happen to overlap.
The Woolly Mammoths did not die and become extinct in the hands of nature….this was the doing of humans…who hunted them for meat to eat and tusks that they used to make tools, art or basically to hold up their homes.
Even though it’s been like….forever since this took place…there seems to be a lot about the human race that doesn’t seem to have evolved at all. If you notice what I am referring to.
Stegosaurus & T-Rex were never together.
You know when you see dinosaur movies? and you see these two together....just walking around in the same clear piece of land?
Turns out...that this is historically inaccurate. The Stegosaurus and T-Rex never existed in the same time period. Infact, their existence is separated by 33 million years.
So we can add this to the list of things that Hollywood does not base on facts.
Raining Diamonds
We all know diamonds are formed when carbon faces extreme heat and pressure. We also know that this happens on Earth under its very many layers.
So how does it rain diamonds? Well fortunately or unfortunately, this doesn't occur on our planet. This takes place on Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune.
Researchers have based this theory on basic chemistry.
It is known that these planets have an atmosphere which have methane in them. we also know of massive lightning storms occurring in these planets. It has been deduced that when methane gets burned up by lightning, it transforms into soot/carbon.
As the soot falls towards the planet, it clumps together as graphite which faces intense pressure as it falls towards the surface of these planets, turning them into diamonds!
However, larger planets like Jupiter and Saturn are said to be too hot for the diamonds to stay in diamond form for too long. But cooler planets like Neptune are said to have diamonds scattered all over their surface.
I can only imagine how sparkly the surface of these planets might look. It is a different story that in such quantity, diamonds would not have much value.
Human Tear Under a Microscope.
Salty water that our tear-duct releases? Yes. However the reason we shed a tear can impact how it looks under a microscope.
It was a random comment by Rose-Lynn Fisher's father that got her researching on tears. He wondered is there would be a difference between happy&sad tears.
She found the thought intriguing and went ahead to study the different types of tears to see if they were alike on a microscope level.
What she found was that there were a 100 different types of tears that we humans shed.
She obviously went ahead to categorize them based on different attributes.
But what is most interesting about the results is how much they look like Arial View of Earth.
Every single thing about the human body is so complicated yet so intriguing. Who knew there could be a map of emotions?
Do You Trust Easy?
Trust feels like a very difficult task to accomplish these days. With all the world relying on deception to get a lot of their work done, most of us find it hard to believe someone even if they might be saying the truth.
Is it because we are all expecting everyone to deceive us? Has the world come to a point where trusting is becoming a rare concept?
I personally do NOT trust easy. I probably love easier than I trust. Even when someone tells me a piece of unbelievable news or a random fact....the first thing I think of doing is researching it and checking its accuracy before I believe it to be true.
I don't know if it is unnatural to doubt everything...but life experiences teach us all different things. I have a hard time taking things on face value.
So is this me being a crazy person? Or is this completely normal because the world we live in so deceptive that it might be safer to doubt?
A charming tradition...isn't it?
I have always thought heirlooms to be these very special made, unique objects that are passed down from one generation to the next. Many of them tend to be pieces of jewelry....for women especially.
But my heirloom is a coin. Just a stack of simple old coins that were given to me with love from my grandmother. She collected coins of different types just like i do now...and that was a hobby that just the two of us shared in our family.
I don't know if it can technically be called a heirloom....but I treasure it as such.
In the Name of Love
Of all the promises that lovers make to each other, I came across one in which the man literally splits a mountain in half in the name of his love.
Dashrath Manjhi, now known as the Mountain Man, was a poor labourer in Gehlaur village near Gaya in Bihar, India.
In 1959, Dashrath's wife Falguni Devi passed away because she was not able to get medical attention on time. There was a hill in the way and people had to travel 70kms to get to the nearest health care facility, that was on the other side of the hill.
After his wife passed way, it took Dashrath Manjhi 22 years to single handedly carve a path through the huge hill and shortened the distance from 70kms to just 1km. All this, so that no one else will have to lose their loved ones like he lost his.
He died in 2007 at the age of 73. He was given a state funeral by the Government of Bihar.
Girls will be Girls.
Have you ever had a conversation with your girlfriends that started on a serious note but by the end of it, you are all talking about dresses and hairstyles and jewellery and makeup?
I just had a conversation like that on a Whatsapp group with my girls from my college days. When I think about it, those three years of college were proberbly my girliest days.
My friends from back then were also into all of you could say it was a side effect of the company I kept.
Even though I do not indulge in much of it anymore, it was nice talking about random unimportant things with them. Like suddenly we were back in college.
Giggling and laughing over the silliest things.
How fast can you let anger go?
If you are on the verge of doing something wrong, is there a person in your life who can convince you not to do it?
Would you hold your revenge or hate higher or the consoling words of a loved one?
I have myself sworn many things in anger and then been talked out of it by reasoning of a family member. Or sometiimes it is time that cools me down and allows me to have a better perspective.
After a reasonable amount of time.....i find that it wasn't as big a deal as I then, in my anger, thought it to be.
Sometimes I even find myself attempting to change the mind of a person who is fuming with anger.
Deer in Headlights
Having never been someone who was comfortable taking the front stage, I had no difficulty to disappear into the background. I managed it for a big part of my childhood.
But as i grew, I began having opinions. I saw and heard of strong , confident people and wanted to be one of them. When i searched for a way to do so, I realized that these people never had a problem to speak their mind, even if initially, they were standing alone.
Being a leader or attempting to do something that not many others chose to do, was a position of isolation. Trying to be different from everyone was sometimes just as lonely as being left behind.
But once you make your Isolation your solitude, somehow the 'being okay with it', puts you in a place where you feel like a Deer in Headlights. (some kinda irony i guess). Somehow it has happened, that being alright with being yourself and choosing unconventional paths....makes you a creature of curious human behaviour.
The Big Blue
She loves the ocean, every time she visits it she has a "wave" of different feelings that wash over her. The first of them being peace. There is something so calming about the ocean…’maybe it is all the blue’ she thinks. There is a soft wind that sweeps through her hair as she sighs and takes it all in. When was the last time she just enjoyed being present in the moment? She couldn’t recall. She walks over to the edge of the residing waves and lets every retreating wave sink her feet further into the sand.
She knows the difference between being in the middle of the ocean and at the edge of it. The edge felt safer, the middle of the ocean was wilder. She wondered what made the ocean so wild and yet so peaceful. The ocean was so free…there was no one on the planet who could contain it or restrain it. Maybe the ocean knew its own power and that is why it was free. She realised, in that moment, that she wanted to be the ocean.
This would be one of my attempts at writing a small story. Someone said it sounded like Moana of the Disney Movie. I hadn't seen that movie at that point. But I watched it and loved it. Found myself in yet another Disney character.
Quote 9
"Monsters are real, ghost are real too. They live inside is, and sometimes they win."
- Stephen King
The monsters being the definition of the dark side of humanity. It is the side that is hard to watch. Here i am particularly thinking of the ability to hate, to be envious and to seek revenge. These emotions , that cause us , humans, to act in vicious ways.
The ghost's i assume are the ones that live inside us. The things and people of the past that we don't or are unable to let go of. The something of the past that has significant control over us , so much so, that it has the power to impact our present and future....with it's lingering presence.
These are things many of us fight with everyday...and we don't win all we?
Age - A Sensitive Issue?
Everyone has one....everyone is ageing with every passing minute. Everyone was one young and most people get to be old.
Scientifically speaking, the yearly age that we count is only the 'approximate' age of our bodies. I heard some scientist have done a research in which the age of a body is actually determine by the condition of out internal organs and systems. For instance, if someone has lived for 35 years, their body might be younger or older than 35 years, depending on how it has been taken care of.
Therefore, an approximation anyway! So why do people take offence when asked how old they are? Why is it considered impolite or rude? Is it fear of approaching death? What is it?
PINK- Brilliant Indian Movie (spoilers)
I just saw this movie yesterday and it was awesome! This is something that happens in the Indian society so often these days, so the relevance of the movie was spot on.
It was about these 3 girls who are in a court case against these 4 boys. The guys have charged one of the girls with attempted murder and the girls have charged the guys with molestation. As the story unfolds, it shows the absolute flaws in the Indian Police system. How people can be bought to give wrong testaments. How people assume what might have happend and a whole lotta preconceived notions about what defines the character of a girl.
It shows how guys think that if a girl wears short and reveling clothes, if she parties, drinks alcohol she will probably be game to have intercourse with him. The most important thing is left out in the minds of these guys....the CONSENT of the girl. Which in this movie, was not given.
As it turns out, the girls get a lawyer who is totally awesome and brings out all these points perfectly.
What i liked about the movie is that they don't portray the girls as absolute angles. These are regular girls who make mistakes and wrong choices.
The most important point of the movie however was how the Indian culture is making assumptions about the character of girls these days and how consent is everyone's right, be it a girlfriend, wife or a sex worker. No one deserves to be forced into anything.
I hope all Indian audience watches this movie...and i hope the English translation comes out soon so everyone else can watch it.
However, I have come across men who think the movie is biased. It shows some men in bad light, maybe that's why. There are people who think the problem is over hyped but they should ask the ones who actually suffer because of it.
If women don't feel safe in their own country and have to have things like knives and pepper spray in their bags, something is very wrong with the society we live in.
However, I have come across men who think the movie is biased. It shows some men in bad light, maybe that's why. There are people who think the problem is over hyped but they should ask the ones who actually suffer because of it.
If women don't feel safe in their own country and have to have things like knives and pepper spray in their bags, something is very wrong with the society we live in.
Magazines Anyone?
I remember when i was a teenager...I used to love going through magazines. Cutting and tearing out everything I liked, sticking it on the walls. As I grew, they were collected in files and stuck in empty books....because my wall was expected to look clean.
I remember there was a children's magazine that i was subscribed came every Tuesday. It was called Young Times. I don't even know if it still publishes anymore. It was a weekly magazine and i was obsessed with it. My first published work was in that was a poem...i was 15 i think.
My parents were subscribed to the National Geographic Magazines that arrived monthly...i think. Those magazines really helped build my interest in a variety of other things.
But things are so different now, there is so much more available online...who buys magazines anymore? I don't even read a magazine if it is right in front of me in a airplane or a doctors office.
The only thing I use magazines for is art when i am in the mood to create something with paper meshes...or something along those lines.
Girls want Attention, Women want Respect
I think most of the female gender are women who demand respect when spoken to. I admire you all....and your ability to stand up for yourself when questioned, challenged or disrespected.
It is nice to see such women in all the cultures of the world. All of us live in a variety of different conditions and have to endure infinite amount of problems everyday. Even so, so many of you are so strong and resilient.
I see women who used to be subdued, now standing up to fight for her right, for her freedom. My hope for the world gets renewed every-time i come across some news where a women fought here way out of a hopeless situation.
It inspires me...and I am sure it inspires others like me around the world.
I have this instinct within me, which i cherish, of always having the back of my fellow women. Be it someone I know or a stranger. If I see she needs support...I'm there.
I know women are very strong....and we get stronger with support and encouragement of each other. It is nice to see women supporting each other with no agenda of jealousy and envy.
Nothing against the boys and men ....
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